November 2023

A Very Busy Month at Y Fferm Fach

First, an apology for the delay in writing up our November Blog. As the title says, this has been a very busy month. During November we welcomed our competition winners, opened our farm to the public and Nick attended a poo course.

But first things first. Another wet month has lead to the ground becoming even wetter. So we purchased more mud mats and they have helped us out around gateways and high traffic areas.

Our compettition winners arrived and had a great time, pictures below. The kids looked amazing in their halloween costumes and enjoyed being around the alpacas.

Nick travelled to Devon to attend a Parasitology Course held by renowned veterinary parasitologist, Sue Thomas.

The training and information gained has allowed us to screen our own animals and create a benchmark for where we are with our own herd.

Nick has set up a laboratory in our main shed to test our own animals and will help other local farmers with faecal analysis.

We welcomed the lovely Adam, Peach and baby Violet to the farm. It was lovely to see you all and will look forward to seeing you again. Peach has offered to help us out during birthing season next year.

CHRISTMAS IS COMING: Finally, with Christmas coming, don’t forget we do offer Gift Vouchers. These can be purchased on our website.























Our first Christmas!


Rain, Rain Go Away