Rain, Rain Go Away

The alpacas have all settled in very well and are enjoying each other’s company and their new home. We have managed to perform all husbandry tasks needed during their time here and given them their first Vitamin D injections of the colder seasons.

Unfortunately, due to the amount of rain we have had during September, we have had to make a few changes to our plans.

We have brought forward the fencing of our second field. We did plan on completing this during Spring 2024, but due to the amount of rain we have had, the alpacas needed moving to a different field. This will be completed soon. We also dug more drainage channels around each of the field shelters. The rain has identified areas that need attention.

On a positive, we held a gathering for our neighbours at the start of the month. We managed to cram 23 people into one of our sheds for food and drink. The sun was nowhere to be seen and yes, it was raining. It was lovely to meet up with them all, they really are a lovely group of people. We are so fortunate to have great neighbours.

One negative this month was our Facebook page was hacked. It seems the word “Competition” brought out the hackers and we unfortunately had to cancel our competition and pull down our page. We think it is all sorted now and apologise again to anyone effected. We will still run our competition, but will do it via our website.

We are aiming to open on the 27th October, this will be to our competition winners only, with general entrance starting a day later on the 28th. Please keep an eye on Facebook, we will let you know when our website goes live.

One question we have received is to ask if you can just turn up at the farm and meet the alpacas. Unfortunately not. All bookings must be made via the website.

That’s about it for now. We are super excited about going live.


November 2023


They have ARRIVED!