Spring Has Arrived

Finally, the sun is warming and the whole countryside is waking from a long-wet winter. Can we now start work on the land? In short, no. Despite the longer warmer days, the ground is still saturated. The issue we have is driving heavy machinery over the field to dump the spoil from the groundwork. It will destroy what bit of usable grass that we have.

Not to worry, although it is very frustrating when things are completely out of your control. At east it gives us more time to plan.

Un safe tress need felling and there is a lot of bramble that needs cutting down, so plenty to get on with. As you can see from the picture, the bramble is about 30 foot deep.

The condition of the trees in the woodland is very poor. We had a tree expert come and take a look and in his very professional opinion, at least three quarters of all trees would need to be removed. The woodland has never been touched. The ground is very wet, maybe 6inches of water in places. Some trees won’t need a chainsaw. You can lean on some of the trees and they fall over. On a positive, it will give us plenty of wood for burning or chipping

Approaching the end of April and I have already broken two brush cutters. Not sure anything is built to last anymore. If you have any recommendations for cutters and chainsaws, please let me know.

We have secured a contractor to carry out all of the work for us. Drainage, new site entrance, hardstanding and fencing.

Now to finish on some really good news. Weather depending, our contractor is due to start at the beginning of May. This is great for us as we have so much stuff we need to order to get the land ready for the arrival of our alpacas.

Thanks for taking the time to read our blog. Is Y Fferm Fach about to be born. Fingers crossed.

Sam Oakes

Web designer based in Harrogate, North Yorkshire


Bring On the Diggers


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