From Humble Beginnings

A HUGE hello to you and thanks for stopping to read our first blog.

Well, here it is. After months of looking for the right piece of land, filling out paperwork, and waiting for solicitors to do their thing, contracts are signed and we are given a rusty old key, for a rusty old padlock on a rusty old farm gate. Now the planning starts and hopefully, dreams can become reality.

With just under 5 acres of what turned out to be very wet and weedy pastureland and 3 acres of dense, rotten woodland, we quickly realised winter may not have been the best time to think about making any significant changes to the land.

But here it is, the first picture of the main entrance.

After thinking my 2-ton truck would be safer off the road, I took the bold decision to move it onto the land. BIG mistake. I sank quicker than a pebble in a pond. But every cloud and all that. I did get to meet some of my neighbouring farmers, and what a lovely bunch of people they are. Dai stopped first and spent a good hour trying to find someone with a tractor who could help. Bingo, I could hear the chugging of an old Massey Ferguson coming up the road. With a very big chain and plenty of 4-wheel drive power, I was free. I will be eternally grateful to you all. For one moment I thought I would be stuck until the summer.

We spent the first couple of months making plans and working out what we were actually going to do with this piece of land. Our plans changed almost every day. But first things first, let's speak to a contractor who can provide information, guidance and recommend what needs to be done. Here comes the first blow. Nothing can be done for a few months, at least not until May. This was not what we wanted to hear as it was still only the beginning of February.

I understand a farm isn't built in a day and while we are waiting for the land to dry out, we turn our attention to what we will use the land for. I still call it land, as it is not yet a farm.

We hope to update this blog at least every month, and continue to share with you our progression and plans. Please consider looking us up on Facebook and Instagram. Hopefully one day, we will see you at Y Fferm Fach – The Mini Farm.

Sam Oakes

Web designer based in Harrogate, North Yorkshire

Will It Ever Stop Raining?