Almost Complete

August 2023

After what seemed to be months of work, the land is almost ready to become a farm.

We have had everything thrown at us during the build phase. Wind, hail and lots of rain. But through perseverance and maintaining a positive attitude (and wine), we are almost ready to welcome our first alpacas.

The start of the month saw the creation of our own well. We discovered a spring on the land during early explorations, and after monitoring flow rates for a few months, we decided the spring would be a viable source of water. So, with the introduction of three concrete rings, we now have a 2000 litre well.

We have had lots of fencing, stone and concrete delivered, the exact amounts I am unsure, but will let you know at some point.

This project has been difficult, mainly due to the weather. But this is Wales.

We still have lots to do. We have a polytunnel to erect and raised beds to build. We have a field shelter and 3 sheds to build (once planning finally approve our application). We have a solar system to complete and we need to build our chicken house and introduce the chickens to their new home. Finally, we have a small orchard to plant and introduce 3 bee hives to the land.

But for now, its all about getting the land tidy, harrowing, sowing 50kg of grass seed, adding a ton of compost and rolling our new grazing areas.

We will put out another blog as soon as the alpacas arrive.

We are now on Facebook and Instagram. Just search for Y Fferm Fach. If you want to get in touch, our email is Our new website will be going live very soon.


They have ARRIVED!


Phase 2 Begins